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Eugene Katsevich

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Statistics and Data Science

Office Hours: Tue 1:15-2:45pm in ARB 311

Head Teaching Assistant

Kevin Tan

PhD student, Dept. of Statistics and Data Science

Office Hours: Mon 3:30-5:00pm in JMHH F96

Teaching Assistants

Alex Browne

Undergraduate student (SAS)

Office Hours: Fri 3:30-5:00pm on Zoom

Andrew Tong

Undergraduate student (Wharton)

Office Hours: Wed 12:00-1:30pm on Zoom

Danny Kugler

Undergraduate student (SAS)

Office Hours: Wed 5:15-6:45pm in JMHH F96

Philip Pan

Undergraduate student (Wharton)

Office Hours: Thu 1:45-3:15pm on Zoom

Risha Kumar

Undergraduate student (Wharton)

Office Hours: Fri 8:30-10:00am in JMHH F36