Local package installation
To install the required R packages on your computer, run the following lines of code from your R console:
# data science
install.packages("tidyverse") # the tidyverse
# class-specific functions
# textbook
install.packages("ISLR2") # ISLR (v2)
# plotting/presentation
install.packages('cowplot') # side-by-side plots
install.packages('GGally') # nice pairs plots
install.packages('ggrepel') # repelling point labels
install.packages('kableExtra') # for nice tables
install.packages('maps') # for plotting maps in ggplot
install.packages('lubridate') # working with dates
install.packages('pROC') # for ROC curves
install.packages('scales') # for adjusting ggplot scales
install.packages('ggcorrplot') # for correlation plots
install.packages('janitor') # helpful auxiliary functions for data cleaning
install.packages('styler') # for styling code
install.packages('rmarkdown') # for R Markdown
install.packages('markdown') # for R Markdown
install.packages('bookdown') # for R Markdown
# learning
install.packages('FNN') # KNN
install.packages('gbm') # boosting
install.packages('glmnet') # penalized regression
install.packages('glmnetUtils') # penalized regression with formulas
install.packages('randomForest') # random forests
install.packages('rpart') # classification and regression trees
install.packages('rpart.plot') # plotting for decision trees
install.packages("keras") # deep learning (R package)
keras::install_keras() # deep learning (Python backend)
install.packages('jpeg') # plot images